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Fiddling around with ideas on how to break captchas, I realised one of the first steps towards it could be the simplification of the input image, into a simple node graph (after elimination of background artefacts). From the node graph, it should be trivial to classify a particular graph structure into its corresponding ASCII symbols, without delving into neural networks.
To construct node graph, it seemed logical to thin down symbols into simple lines, which is when I came across Zhang-Suen Thinning algorithm (pdf paper).
After implementing the algorithm I realised that although its quite efficient at simplifying the symbols, it is insufficient. More work needs to be done on this.
import sys
from PIL import Image
from pprint import pprint as pp
# Helper functions for working with data returned as a single
# array by list(img.getdata()) method
# is the pixel black or white
# assuming col represents gray color in (r,g,b) format
def _isbw(col):
c = 240
if col[0] < c and col[1] < c and col[2] < c:
col = C_BLACK
col = C_WHITE
return col
def _getcoord( size, pos ):
x,y = pos
w,h = size
i = (y * w) + x
return i
def _getbw( imgdata, size, pos ):
return imgdata[ _getcoord(size,pos) ]
def _setbw( imgdata, size, pos, col ):
imgdata[ _getcoord(size,pos) ] = col
def _getbwdata( img ):
d = list(img.getdata())
for i, c in enumerate(d):
d[ i ] = _isbw( c )
# print i, c, d[ i ]
return d
# Algorithm implementation
# step1_func = lambda parr: p2 + p4 + p6 > 0 and p4 + p6 + p8 > 0
# step2_func = lambda parr: p2 + p4 + p8 > 0 and p2 + p6 + p8 > 0
step1_func = lambda parr: parr[0] + parr[2] + parr[4] > 0 and parr[2] + parr[4] + parr[6] > 0
step2_func = lambda parr: parr[0] + parr[2] + parr[6] > 0 and parr[0] + parr[4] + parr[6] > 0
def do_step(imgdata, size, func):
was_modified = False
for j in range(1,h-1):
for i in range(1,w-1):
p1 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i, j ) )
p2 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i, j-1 ) )
p3 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i+1,j-1 ) )
p4 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i+1,j ) )
p5 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i+1,j+1 ) )
p6 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i, j+1 ) )
p7 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i, j+1 ) )
p8 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i-1,j ) )
p9 = _getbw( imgdata, size, ( i-1,j-1 ) )
# nimg.putpixel( (i,j), )
# nimg.putpixel( (i,j), p1 )
A_Val = (p2 == 0 and p3 == 1) + (p3 == 0 and p4 == 1)
A_Val += (p4 == 0 and p5 == 1) + (p5 == 0 and p6 == 1)
A_Val += (p6 == 0 and p7 == 1) + (p7 == 0 and p8 == 1)
A_Val += (p8 == 0 and p9 == 1) + (p9 == 0 and p2 == 1)
B_Val = sum([p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9])
parr = [p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p2]
if p1 == C_BLACK:
if 2 <= B_Val <= 6:
if A_Val == 1:
if func(parr):
_setbw( imgdata, size, (i,j), C_WHITE )
was_modified = True
# imgdata.putpixel( (i,j), C_WHITE )
return (imgdata, was_modified)
# Work on image / main
if __name__ == '__main__':
imgname = 'abcd.jpg'
img = Image.open(imgname)
w, h = img.size
""" The data is returned as a single array """
pixels = list(img.getdata())
# Create black and white pixel bitmap image
nimg = Image.new('1', img.size, -1 )
# Convert source image to black and white pixels
bwdata = _getbwdata( img )
# Run the algorithm until no further modifications are required
is_modified = True
while is_modified:
bwdata, modified1 = do_step(bwdata,img.size,step1_func)
bwdata, modified2 = do_step(bwdata,img.size,step2_func)
is_modified = modified1 | modified2
print is_modified, modified1, modified2
# Push the data to image
nimg.putdata( bwdata )
## And save
fp = open('.abcd_output.jpg','w')